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Power your site with powerful expertise.

As integral to your operation as the electric bus itself, a smart infrastructure plan goes a long way in driving your fleet’s success. At the Electric Bus Authority, our infrastructure consulting team specializes in all aspects of EV infrastructure. Thomas Built Buses consultants work with customers to uncover site-specific insights and deliver expert strategies for fleet electrification. With customized solutions for powering your site, you can focus less on the “how” of going electric and more on the exciting road ahead.

Let’s Talk

Specialized consulting services.

Our infrastructure consultants work with utility providers, general contractors, charger OEMs and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) providers to deliver fleet transition strategies for customers. These strategies are informed by the following research-based tactics:

Route analysis

During your route analysis, we’ll analyze your routes, evaluate charging needs and explore opportunities for savings when you switch from traditional fuel to electric power.

TCO analysis

Not sure what it costs to take your fleet electric? Thomas infrastructure consultants will conduct a total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis and get you all the details.

Charge requirement analysis

There are several factors to consider when evaluating charging capacity requirements. To help, our team will gather insights about your fleet’s typical operating time vs. idle time and offer recommendations based on this information.

V2G feasibility analysis

Depending on customer preference, Thomas consultants can analyze the potential of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology implementation. This would allow you to use energy from bus batteries (when your buses are not in use) to supply energy back to the grid.

Project integration

Once our team has completed your in-depth analyses, we’ll pull in EVSE providers to accelerate the creation of an electric transition plan.

As one of the more involved stages of the electrification process, bringing power to your site can take anywhere from six months to over a year. For this reason, we suggest engaging with our consultants as early in your transition as possible.

Get infrastructured.

Depending on your district’s specific needs, we’ll recommend one of three consulting package plans. Plan options include:

The Volt Package

This option is recommended for customers in need of basic infrastructure knowledge or EV transition support. Here’s what you’ll receive with our Volt package:

  • Route analysis
  • TCO analysis
  • Charger catalog
  • Charge management software education
  • Information on funding opportunities
  • Electrification 101 document

The Amp Package

Offering a higher level of customization, this option is recommended for customers in need of strategic infrastructure planning and estimates for capital and/or operational expenses. Here’s what you’ll receive* with our Amp package:

  • Utility coordination assistance
  • High-level project timeline
  • Construction estimate
  • CMS estimate
  • Construction cost estimate
  • Charger deployment recommendations
  • Infrastructure layout recommendations
  • V2G assessment

*When you choose the Amp package, you will receive all services under the Volt package as well.

The Joule Package

As our most comprehensive consulting package, this option is recommended for customers in need of full-scale infrastructure project management. From planning to execution, here’s what you’ll receive** with our Joule package:

  • Lot layout design
  • Construction permit support
  • Project management
  • Charging equipment procurement
  • Construction and installation
  • Charger commissioning and testing
  • Equipment and operations training

**When you choose the Joule package, you will receive all services under the Volt and Amp packages as well.

Successful electric fleets are built on a strong foundation.

EVs are not only an investment in the future of your district. They’re an investment in our earth and the bright minds of tomorrow.

As the Electric Bus Authority, we’ll help you make all the right turns on your journey to electric. From infrastructure and financing to operations and more, see how we can power your district forward.

* We utilize the Constant Contact platform to manage emails. View the Constant Contact Privacy Statement.

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